Sherlock's Passion for Chemistry

Apart from being a mindful detective Sherlock Holmes was known for many of his talents one of which was  his chemistry knowledge and skill . The first story inspired the Greek chemistry teachers, Ms D.Setaki and Ms. A.Mavropanou and conducted an experiment with their students making a fake blood recipe. The experiment was presented to our Spanish partners who were called to vote for the most successful blood recipe. 

scandal in Bohemia


 The second mission for the Greek team was to make a smoke bomb just like the one Watson had used in the story.  For safety reasons though, we made a small video-presentation revealing the secrets of making a smoke bomb and we performed instead an experiment based on some exothermic reactions used in smoke bombs.  Enjoy the interactive image-narration of the story we’ve made, the video for making a smoke bomb and the interactive video of the experiment we’ve performed.Don’t forget after watching all that to solve the crossword we’ve prepared for you!

The Spanish students , in turn  prepared their invisible ink secret messages and posted them to their Greek partners.  

The Greek students were challenged to read the invisible messages on the papers using a hairdryer or a source of flame. To find out their results just click on the interactive picture  prepared and then write to the sticky board above if they have solved the mysteries or not…

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